CLOSED: This contest has concluded.
Name Our Snowplows!
Thank you for participating in Name Our Snowplows! Entries are now closed.
Submit your best City of Woodland Park snowplow name suggestion here.
- 1 entry per person please
- Please keep within 25 characters, or a total of 3 words.
- Must not contain foul, degrading or explicit language
- Entries should not contain an individual, business or copyright name (ex. Paul's Plow, McDonald's Plow)
- The City of Woodland Park reserves the right to eliminate entries at their discretion for any reason.
- By submitting an entry - user agrees the name can be used in any graphics, posts, publications, etc. across City platforms.
- By submitting an entry - user understands they may be featured in promotional photographs shared across City platforms.
- *The City of Woodland Park will not use any email addresses or contact information collected for any purposes outside of contacting contest winners privately.